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D. Blum, J. Arroyo, S. Huang, J. Drgona, F. Jorissen, H.T. Walnum, Y. Chen, K. Benne, D. Vrabie, M. Wetter, and L. Helsen. (2021). “Building optimization testing framework (BOPTEST) for simulation-based benchmarking of control strategies in buildings.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 14(5), 586-610.

Additional publications:

W. Zheng, L. Zabala, J. Febres, D. Blum, and Z. Wang (2025). “Quantifying and simulating the weather forecast uncertainty for advanced building control.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 1-16.

L. Maier, J. Brillert, E. Zanetti, and D. Müller (2023). “Approximating model predictive control strategies for heat pump systems applied to the building optimization testing framework (BOPTEST).” Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 17(3), 338–360.

C. A. Faulkner, R. Lutes, S. Huang, W. Zuo, D. Vrabie. (2023). “Simulation-based assessment of ASHRAE Guideline 36, considering energy performance, indoor air quality, and control stability.” Building and Environment, 240, 110371.

D. Wang, W. Zheng, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Pang, W. Wang. (2023). “Comparison of reinforcement learning and model predictive control for building energy system optimization.” Applied Thermal Engineering, 228, 120430.

E. Zanetti, D. Kim, D. Blum, R. Scoccia, and M. Aprile. (2023). “Performance comparison of quadratic, nonlinear, and mixed integer nonlinear MPC formulations and solvers on an air source heat pump hydronic floor heating system.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 16(2), 144-162.

G. Fierro, A. K. Prakash, D. Blum, J. Bender, E. Paulson, and M. Wetter. (2022). “Notes Paper: Enabling Building Application Development with Simulated Digital Twins.” In The 9th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys ’22), Nov 9 – 10. Boston, MA, USA.

J. Arroyo, F. Spiessens, and L. Helsen. (2022). “Comparison of Optimal Control Techniques for Building Energy Management.” Frontiers in Built Environment 8.

T. Marzullo, S. Dey, N. Long, J. L. Vilaplana, and G. Henze. (2022). “A high-fidelity building performance simulation test bed for the development and evaluation of advanced controls.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 15(3), 379-397.

J. Arroyo, C. Manna, F. Spiessens, and L. Helsen. (2022). “Reinforced model predictive control (RL-MPC) for building energy management.” Applied Energy 309: 118346.

J. Arroyo, C. Manna, F. Spiessens, and L. Helsen. (2021). “An OpenAI-Gym Environment for the Building Optimization Testing (BOPTEST) Framework.” In Proceedings of the 17th IBPSA Conference, Sep 1 - 3. Bruges, Belgium.

F. Bünning, C. Pfister, A. Aboudonia, P. Heer, and J. Lygeros. (2021). “Comparing Machine Learning Based Methods to Standard Regression Methods for MPC on a Virtual Testbed.” In Proceedings of the 17th IBPSA Conference, Sep 1 - 3. Bruges, Belgium.

T. Yang, K. Filonenko, K. Arendt, and C. Veje. (2020). “Implementation and Performance Analysis of a Multi-Energy Building Emulator.” In 2020 6th IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCon), Sep 28 - Oct 1. Gammarth, Tunisia, 451–456.

H. T. Walnum, I. Sartori, and M. Bagle. (2020). “Model Predictive Control of District Heating Substations for Flexible Heating of Buildings.” In SINTEF Proceedings no 5, ser. BuildSim-Nordic 2020, Oct 13–14. Oslo, Norway: International Conference Organised by IBPSA-Nordic, 123–130.

J. Arroyo, F. Spiessens, and L. Helsen. (2020). “Identification of Multi-zone Grey-box Building Models for Use in Model Predictive Control.” Journal of Building Performance Simulation 13 (4): 472–486.

D. Blum, F. Jorissen, S. Huang, Y. Chen, J. Arroyo, K. Benne, Y. Li, V. Gavan, L. Rivalin, L. Helsen, D. Vrabie, M. Wetter, and M. Sofos. (2019). “Prototyping the BOPTEST framework for simulation-based testing of advanced control strategies in buildings.” In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IBPSA, Sep 2 – 4. Rome, Italy.

S. Huang, Y. Chen, P. W. Ehrlich, and D. L. Vrabie. (2018). “A Control-Oriented Building Envelope and HVAC System Simulation Model for a Typical Large Office Building.” In Proceedings of 2018 Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA, Sep 26 - 28. Chicago, IL.