Thank you to all contributors of the project. They are in alphabetical order:
- Krzysztof Arendt (Southern Denmark University, Denmark) for framework development, forecast uncertainty characterization.
- Javier Arroyo (Wedoco, Spain) for framework development, software implementation, test case development (bestest_hydronic_heat_pump), test case review, controller testing, tutorial and workshop development, website.
- Yeonjin Bae (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA) for framework development, test case implementation (flexible_research_platform).
- Aritz Bengoetxea (IK4 Tekniker, Spain) for forecast uncertainty characterization.
- Kyle Benne (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA) for framework development, web-service development, online dashboard development, tutorial and workshop development.
- Chris Berger (Devetry, USA) for online dashboard development.
- Dave Biagioni (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA) for software implementation.
- David Blum (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA) for ibpsa project 2 co-operating agent, framework development, software implementation, test case development (bestest_air, multizone_office_simple_air, singlezone_commercial_air), test case review, tutorial and workshop development, website.
- Felix Bunning (ETH Zurich / EMPA, Switzerland) for controller testing.
- Yan Chen (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA) for framework development.
- Tim Coleman (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA) for web-service development and deployment.
- Iago Cupeiro Figueroa (Cupeiro Sinte, dnergy, Spain) for framework development, test case implementation (multizone_office_simple_hybrid), tutorial and workshop development.
- Roel De Coninck (dnergy, Belgium) for framework development.
- Jaap Neven (KU Leuven, VITO, Belgium) for software implementation.
- Jan Drgona (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA) for framework development.
- Jesus Febres (IK4 Tekniker, Spain) for framework development.
- Gauthier-Clerc Francois (Pure Control, France) for software implementation.
- Konstantin Filonenko (Southern Denmark University, Denmark) for framework development, test case development (singlezone_commercial_hydronic), test case review.
- Valentin Gavan (Engie, France) for framework development, test case implementation (multizone_residential_hydronic).
- Philip Gonzalez (Devetry, USA) for online dashboard development.
- Lieve Helsen (KU Leuven, Belgium) for ibpsa project 2 co-operating agent, ibpsa project 1 wp 1.2 leader, framework development.
- Sen Huang (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA) for framework development, software implementation, test case implementation (multizone_office_complex_air), controller testing.
- Piljae Im (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA) for framework development, test case implementation (flexible_research_platform).
- Filip Jorissen (KU Leuven, Belgium) for framework development, test case implementation (bestest_hydronic), test case review.
- Amit Kapoor (Devetry, USA) for online dashboard development.
- Donghun Kim (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA) for framework development, tutorial development.
- Nicholas Long (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA) for software implementation.
- Xing Lu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA) for software implementation.
- Robert Lutes (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA) for software implementation.
- Bart Merema (dnergy, Belgium) for test case implementation (multizone_office_simple_hybrid).
- Kefei Mo (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA) for software implementation.
- Erik Paulson (Independent, USA) for BACnet interface development and implementation.
- Matt Robinson (University of Colorado Boulder, USA) for software implementation.
- Marjorie Schott (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA) for online dashboard development.
- Jermy Thomas (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA) for web-service development, tutorial development.
- Christian Veje (Southern Denmark University, Denmark) for framework development.
- Draguna Vrabie (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA) for framework development.
- Harald Walnum (SINTEF, Norway) for framework development, controller testing.
- Michael Wetter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA) for framework development.
- Tao Yang (Southern Denmark University, Denmark) for framework development, test case development (singlezone_commercial_hydronic).
- Laura Zabala (IK4 Tekniker, Spain) for framework development, forecast uncertainty characterization.
- Ettore Zanetti (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA) for framework development, test case implementation (twozone_apartment_hydronic), test case review, controller testing, software implementation.