IBPSA Modelica Working Group
Modelica library for for design and operation of building and community energy and control systems

IBPSA Modelica Working Group will create open-source software that builds the basis of next generation computing tools for the design and operation of building and district energy and control systems. It extends work conducted under the IEA EBC Annex 60 and IBPSA Project 1. All work is open-source and built on the Modelica standard for modeling the performance of building and district energy systems.
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Working group purpose
The main task, which is highlighted in the proposal workplan, is the continuation of IBPSAProject 1 Work Package 1.1 “Modelica library development” under the new name of “Modelica Working Group”.
This working group develops the free open-source Modelica IBPSA Library (github.com/ibpsa/modelica-ibpsa), which is a library of models for the design and operation of building and community energy and control systems. The Modelica IBPSA Library is used as the core of the four Modelica libraries:
- AixLib , from RWTH Aachen University, Germany,
- Buildings, from LBNL, Berkeley, CA, USA,
- BuildingSystems, from UdK Berlin, Germany, and
- IDEAS, from KU Leuven, Belgium.
All models are documented and validated against analytical solutions, against the results of other simulators or against measurement data.
Through these libraries, models of the Modelica IBPSA Library are also used in derivative software, such as in BOPTEST , Spawn of EnergyPlus, URBANopt for District Energy Systems, Electricity de France’s BuildSysPro Library, PennState Smart and Connected Communities SCC Library and Net Zero Energy (NZEC) Library . The Modelica IBPSA Library is being tested with the three Modelica tools OpenModelica, OPTIMICA/IMPACT and Dymola.
The working group also coordinates the needs of the IBPSA community with the Modelica Association and with Modelica modeling and simulation environment developers.
Duration and Management
Duration | 2022-indefinite |
Chair |
Michael Wetter, LBNL, Berkeley, CA |
The software develop in this project will be available under the following open-source license.