

You are invited to contribute to the development of the Universal Data Categorization Template. You may report any issues by using the Issues button. Furthermore, you are welcome to contribute in the following ways:

Edit and Preview
  • For previewing the data that you would like to add to the template, please edit and preview the Add data page. Please remember this step is only to preview the data that you would like to contribute with. Do not commit the changes in the repository.
Via pull request
  • Using a pull request, you can add the data with the file name highlighting the country. For example, if you would like to add to add the data for Germany, please name the file as "Germany.csv". Thereafter you can add the data in Germany.csv. This can be done using the New data page.
Drag and Drop CSVs
  • If you just want to add the data directly as a csv, please drag and drop the csv using the Drag & Drop page.

Please remember to preview the data before commiting/submitting it to the repository.