The developers of the Modelica IBPSA Library and of OpenModelica will provide a free workshop at the International Modelica Conference in Aachen on October 9, 2023.

The workshop will teach fundamentals for HVAC and control modeling using the Modelica IBPSA Library and OpenModelica’s OMEdit environment.

In this workshop, developers of the AixLib, Buildings, BuildingSystems and IDEAS Libraries and of OpenModelica will give an introduction to OMEdit and present best practices for modeling HVAC and control systems with Modelica. The workshop is targeted to new users. Participants will conduct hands-on exercises using OMEdit and the Modelica IBPSA Library. The workshop will close with an overview of the four libraries that use the Modelica IBPSA Library as their core.

For workshop agenda, visit

Registration for the workshop is done through the conference registration.