
IBPSA Project 1

City District Information Modeling

This work package addresses urban scale energy performance simulation of domestic and non-domestic buildings. Highlighting the exchange requirements and country-specific data mapping approaches, the work package also deals with archetypal definitions of buildings with respect to the generalization of country-specific age-bands, geometrical forms and building functions. Semantic data enrichment, parsimonious geometric information processing and the participation in development of the CityGML schema and EnergyADE for specific simulation tools is also emphasized. Considering different modelling techniques, generic import-export functionalities and enrichment algorithms, the team aims to demonstrate the application of the developed workflows for a range of tools, including Modelica and EnergyPlus, and for a range of geographical contexts and application use cases. The GML ToolBox, which extends the pre-processing of geometric prerequisites, modelling of thermal zones and openings and checks CityGML base standards and ADE conformance conditions for dynamic heating and cooling demand simulations in EnergyPlus, is one such example. Another example is an extension to the TEASER tool that is currently being developed to process the five CityGML Levels of Detail and Energy ADE information as an input for annual thermal simulation using Modelica. A further example is the development of a new workflow for the preparation of large (thousands to tens of thousands of buildings) urban scenes for simulation using the CitySim+ urban enery simulation engine. Open source translators and workflows for district energy simulations can be recognized as some of the outputs for this work package.

How to cite this page: Avichal Malhotra, Julian Bischof, James Allan, James O'Donnell, Thomas Schweiger, Joachim Benner, Gerald Schweiger (2020). A Review on country specific data availability and acquision techniques for city quarter information modelling for building energy analysis. In proceedings of the 8th German-Austrian IBPSA Conference BauSIM 2020: September 23th - September 25th / Publisher TU Graz.