Getting Started


There are two ways you can access BOPTEST, depending on your preference:

I. Deploy on Local Computing Resource: Deploy BOPTEST on your local computing resource and localhost, deploy a test case, and interact with it via the BOPTEST API.

II. Utilize Public Web-Service: Utilize a publicly available web-hosted BOPTEST environment (BOPTEST-Service) to deploy a test case in the cloud and interact with it at a URL specific to you via the BOPTEST API.

I. Deploy on Local Computing Resource

1. Installation

2. Deploy a Test Case

Use Docker to build and deploy BOPTEST. In the root of the repository, run the command below.

  • docker compose up web worker provision

  • If you want to be able to deploy multiple test cases at the same time, append the argument --scale worker=n where n equals the number of test cases you want to be able to have running at the same time.

Then, send the following API request to url

  • POST <url>/testcases/<testcase_name>/select, where <testcase_name> is replaced with the name of the test case you wish to deploy.

  • The return will be a json with {'testid': <testid>}.

  • The returned <testid> will be needed for all future API requests associated with your chosen test case.

3. Use the API

Send API requests to <url>/<request>/<testid>, where <testid> is returned from the previous step. See the section on API Summary for more information on available requests.

4. Stop the Test Case

To stop the test case and free up the associated worker, send the following API request:

  • PUT <url>/stop/<testid>

  • The test case will be stopped automatically in case of a period of inactivity. If this happens, a new test case should be deployed using the actions described previously.

5. Shutdown BOPTEST

Shutdown BOPTEST by the following command executed in the root directory of the repository:

  • docker compose down

  • IMPORTANT: This is the best and most complete way to shutdown BOPTEST to prevent issues upon redeployment.

II. Utilize Public Web-Service

1. Installation

There are no installation requirements.

2. Deploy a Test Case

Send the following API request to url

  • POST <url>/testcases/<testcase_name>/select, where <testcase_name> is replaced with the name of the test case you wish to deploy.

  • The return will be a json with {'testid': <testid>}.

  • The returned <testid> will be needed for all future API requests associated with your chosen test case.

3. Use the API

Send API requests to <url>/<request>/<testid>, where <testid> is returned from the previous step. See the section on API Summary for more information on available requests.

4. Stop the Test Case

To stop the test case, send the following API request:

  • PUT <url>/stop/<testid>

  • The test case will be stopped automatically in case of a period of inactivity. If this happens, a new test case should be deployed using the actions described previously.